Tuesday, November 11, 2014

How to add a transaction to GnuCash

From the last two posts, to add a new transaction to GnuCash, we need to:

1. Add 1 row to transactions table
2. Add 2 rows to splits table
3. Add 1 row to slots table

Let's tackle that one by one:

1. Add 1 row to transactions table

Here's the schema for accounts and transactions table:

CREATE TABLE accounts (
    guid            CHAR(32) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
    name            text(2048) NOT NULL,
    account_type    text(2048) NOT NULL,
    commodity_guid  CHAR(32) NOT NULL,
    commodity_scu   integer NOT NULL,
    non_std_scu     integer NOT NULL,
    parent_guid     CHAR(32),
    code            text(2048),
    description     text(2048)
CREATE TABLE transactions (
    guid            CHAR(32) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
    currency_guid   CHAR(32) NOT NULL,
    num             text(2048) NOT NULL,
    post_date       timestamp NOT NULL,
    enter_date      timestamp NOT NULL,
    description     text(2048)
Example data: 

guid            ded5efa287a34e862794b4277f8e0508
    System generated GUID.
    Use CPAN module DATA::GUID to generate this.
    Should check for uniqueness, or at least failure to insert.
    Save this GUID somewhere, it's needed to create rows for "splits" and "slots" tables.
currency_guid   be2788c5c017bb63c859430612e64093
    System obtains this a lookup on user provided "account name".
    For example, the account name is "Cash":
        SELECT commodity_guid FROM Accounts WHERE Accounts.name = "Cash"
    User provided value. If not provided, set to empty string '' (can't be null)
post_date       20140101170000
    User provided date in the form YYYYMMDD.
    System takes T-1 from user date and appends "170000"
    Example, User provides 2014-01-01, System stores as 20131231170000
    Update: Turns out SQLite stores datetime in UTC timezone. 
            When provided a datetime of 2014-01-01 00:00:00 in local time of UTC +7:00.
            This is equivalent to UTC 2013-12-31 17:00:00
            which SQLite stores as 2013123117000
    A check on existing file shows this is valid:
        SELECT DISTINCT substr(post_date,9,6) FROM transactions;
    Use format YYYYMMDDhhmmss
enter_date      20141111071603
    System provided value.
    Timezone is GMT 00:00 (not local timezone)
    Use format YYYYMMDDhhmmss
description     Transfer
    User provided value. 
2. Add 2 rows to splits table
The schema for splits table:

    guid            CHAR(32) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
    tx_guid         CHAR(32) NOT NULL,
    account_guid    CHAR(32) NOT NULL,
    memo            text(2048) NOT NULL,
    action          text(2048) NOT NULL,
    reconcile_state text(1) NOT NULL,
    reconcile_date  timestamp NOT NULL,
    value_num       integer NOT NULL,
    value_denom     integer NOT NULL,
    quantity_num    integer NOT NULL,
    quantity_denom  integer NOT NULL,
    lot_guid        CHAR(32)

Sample data: 
guid            47df2567833d70d7771c99b7dc47154e 
    System generate GUID.  
tx_guid         ded5efa287a34e862794b4277f8e0508 
    This is foreign key for the transaction GUID 
    Use the transaction GUID 
    Passed in as parameter to function that creates splits
    Implies sequence of processing that transaction must be created first 
account_guid   6a86047e3b12a6c4748fbf8fde76c0c0 
    User provides account name.
    System looks up the account name. Example, account is Cash:
        SELECT guid from Accounts WHERE name = "Cash";
    Set as empty string ''  
    Set as empty string '' 
reconcile_state n 
     Default to "n"
    Set as empty string '' 
value_num       -100000 
    User provides transaction amount up to 2 decimal places. Eg: 200.15
    System multiplies user value by 100. E.g. 200.15 becomes 20015
value_denom         100 
    Default to 100.
quantity_num    -100000 
    Same as value_num field.
    Check using this SQL:
        SELECT count(*) FROM splits WHERE value_num <> quantity_num;
            Expect: 0 
        SELECT count(*) FROM splits WHERE value_num <> quantity_num;
            Expect: Same rowcount as rows in table 
quantity_denom      100 
    Default to 100.
    Set as empty string '' 

3. Add 1 row to slots table

    obj_guid            CHAR(32) NOT NULL,
    name                text(4096) NOT NULL,
    slot_type           integer NOT NULL,
    int64_val           integer,
    string_val          text(4096),
    double_val          real,
    timespec_val        CHAR(14),
    guid_val            CHAR(32),
    numeric_val_num     integer,
    numeric_val_denom   integer,
    gdate_val           text(8) 
Sample data:
id integer          7 
    To insert into auto-incrementing fields see: http://bit.ly/1wOrWYE
    Basically, match columns and values:
       INSERT INTO participants(obj_guid, name,...) VALUES ('ded5..',"date-");

obj_guid            ded5efa287a34e862794b4277f8e0508 

    This is foreign key for the transaction GUID
    Use the transaction GUID for "transfer" transactions. 
    May be something else for other purposes.
    Passed in as parameter to function that creates splits
    Implies sequence of processing that transaction must be created first  
name                date-posted 
    Set as "date-posted" for transfer transactions.
slot_type           10 
    Set as "10" for "date-posted".

int64_val           0 
    Set as "10" for "date-posted".
    Set as empty string '' for date-posted".  
double_val          0.0 
    Set as "0.0" for date-posted".  
    Set as empty string '' for date-posted".  
    Set as empty string '' for date-posted".   
numeric_val_num     0 
    Set as "0" for date-posted".   
numeric_val_denom   1 
    Set as "1" for date-posted".  

gdate_val           20140102
    User provided transaction date.
    Note that the corresponding field transactions.post_date will be "gdate_val-1"
The way to check for default values to use for "date-posted" slot is: 
    SELECT DISTINCT name, slot_type, int64_val, string_val, double_val,
                    timespec_val, guid_val, numeric_val_num, numeric_val_denom
    FROM slots WHERE name in ("date-posted"); 
Update: There is now a Perl Module Gnucash::SQLite that provides a decent interface 
        to add transactions and check account balances.


  1. Blogger's formatting is horrendous!

  2. thanks for this info.. its true, blogger's formatting sucks.. but this info is hard to come across.. thanks!

    1. @Emi, if you write Perl code, you may also be interested in GnuCash::SQLite, a perl module created to provide a simpler interface than directly accessing the SQLite file. (See http://bit.ly/1v6OA0t)
