Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Why/How to do Market Sizing, Product Tier and Product Pricing

Why do market sizing?

The only thing that matters is the market:
In a great market -- a market with lots of real potential customers -- the market pulls product out of the startup. ~Marc Andreessen

How to do market sizing?

Top-down estimation
Bottom-up estimation

Product Tier and Pricing

  1. Establish a market before building a minimum viable product
  2. Develop a simple landing page
    • Use Launchrock service
    • Use photos from iStockphoto
    • Use icons from iconfinder
    • Use some basic SEO
  3. Determine product tiers
    1. Read Kickstarter product tiers
    2. Read Kickstarter trends
    3. Use the product tier selection process
  4. Review what Joel Spolsky has to say

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