Friday, July 12, 2013

An Introduction to Introduction To Finance


I like the introduction of Dr Kaul Introduction to Finance course:
Finance is the study of value.
The notion of value is tightly linked to the notion of better. Higher value = better.

What can I expect to learn?

A framework and the tools to value almost anything. I also expect to learn a value-based perspective.

How can I expect to be better?

I'll be able to make value-based decision making.

Some quotes:

I will not use a formula unless I can explain it in words... force yourself, to first say it in words before using the formula because I think the formula reflects what we are thinking, not the other way around. And that's one of the problems of Finance and Technical areas, that we somehow think, that, just because there's Math, there's a definitive answer. 

All answers are wrong. There's a bunch of assumptions, that we make in valuing things and it's your assumptions and way of thinking, that's the value part, not the final answer. Anybody can crank through Excel and come up with an answer, it doesn't mean much.

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