Tuesday, July 9, 2013

AngryBoids - Implementation Workflow

Implementation Workflow

  1. Import required libraries
    1. import jbox2d libraries for Java & Android
    2. for javascript, include the following files in directory
      1. Box2D.js
      2. CollisionDetector.s
      3. Maxim.js
      4. physics.js
  2. Setup physics objects - physics
    1. Setup the start point
    2. Setup the collision detector
  3. Setup audio
  4. Setup graphics
    1. Setup custom rendering function where all drawing is done by physics engine
    2. Layout all the objects
    3. Map complex Graphics shapes to simple Physics objects e.g. boid maps to circle
  5. Setup gameplay score
  6. In the draw():
    1. Update the game score
  7. In mouseDragged();
    1. Set position of objects
  8. In mouseReleased():
    1. Apply impulse to objects
  9. Implement the customRenderer
  10. Implement the collision call back
    1. Check collisions with walls
  11. Elements to be added
    1. Gameplay mechanics
    2. Scoring mechanism
    3. Good artwork
    4. Good audio

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